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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Built in Types for C#

All the built-in Types in C# are the fallowing and the classes they go to

void = System.Void : Nothing and in C# can only be used as a return type

bool = System.Boolean : This is a Boolean (true, false) value

short = System.Int16 : this is a small 16 bit Integer number
ushort = System.UInt16 : a Unsigned 16 bit integer all numbers are positive and cannot be negative
int = System.Int32 : This is your basic Integer number
uint = System.UInt32 : This is an unsigned Integer Number all numbers are positive and cannot be negative
long = System.Int64 : a Integer that is 2 times the size of your basic int
ulong = System.UInt64 : a Unsigned 64 bit Integer agian all numbers are positive and cannot be negative

float = System.Single : single-precision floating-point number. Numbers must have a f after it like this 10.0f
double = System.Double : double-precision floating-point number. Numbers do not have to have a f but it is recommended to have a decimal point like this 1.0

char = System.Char : A single Character (when assigned must be in single quotes like this 'c'
string = System.String : A string Used to represent words and Characters

My Youtube channel

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Installing SharpDevelop

Here is a video that came to my attention earlier today
It shows you how to download and Install SharpDevelop.

it is best to view in full screen

Monday, July 7, 2008

Learn C# programming #1 -- Hello World

the youtube video

Microsoft Visual C# 2008 Express edition

Sharp Develop

HelloWorld version 1

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace HelloWorld
class Program
static void Main ( string[] args )
Console.WriteLine ( arg );
Console.ReadKey ( true );

HelloWorld version 2

using System;

namespace HelloWorld
class Program
static void Main ( string[] args )
foreach (string arg in args)
Console.WriteLine ( arg );
Console.ReadKey ( true );

William Edward McCormick